Three Considerations Before Selecting a Staffing Agency

Businesses know that they are only as good as their employees, which is why they invest so much time and money in finding the best candidates. Working with a staffing agency in Omaha can make this process more efficient. While the process of selecting a staffing agency may seem overwhelming, these three considerations can help you find the right partner for your talent acquisition requirements.

1. What Is the Business Case for Using a Staffing Agency?

Outsourcing part of your hiring process can be a difficult decision, but evaluating the business case for using a staffing firm can help with that choice. There is a fee for using a staffing firm, but this will likely be outweighed by the benefits a temp agency can provide. Staffing agencies evaluate candidates first, so you are more likely to receive qualified applicants versus traditional ways of advertising open positions. This saves you time, and as you know, time is money. Another obvious savings is that you don’t have to pay temp workers benefits, however temp workers can also help you avoid employee turnover, which can lower your labor costs over the long-term. Bringing temp workers on during busy periods can help avoid burnout in your regular staff. They also allow you to test out workers before hiring them full-time. When you consider the many benefits of working with a staffing agency in Omaha, the decision to seek help with hiring becomes a little easier.

2. What Size Agency Has the Strongest Recruiters and Candidates?

Bigger may be better for many things in life, but when it comes to selecting a temp agency, a smaller firm may be the better choice. Large staffing firms tend to play a volume game and may not be as selective in hiring recruiters or in evaluating candidates. Given their large number of clients, you may not get the attention you deserve in this important process. Smaller firms tend to focus more on hiring recruiters with extensive experience and knowledge. With a smaller number of clients, these boutique firms also understand the importance of the client relationship and are likely to devote more time to clients and candidates alike. Larger staffing firms may find that their large client lists are a hinderance, as the more clients you have, the more likely conflicts of interest can arise.

3. What Type of Agency Will Best Meet Your Needs?

Staffing firms vary not just by size but also by experience and focus. Most firms can help you fill both temporary jobs and full-time positions, but it’s a good idea to inquire about the agency’s candidate pool to make sure it aligns with your open positions. It’s important to understand whether the agency specializes based on job function or industry. For example, some agencies have candidates for general administrative support across all industries while other agencies focus on candidates with significant experience in tech or finance.

Hiring is one of the most important decisions that can affect the success of your business. These considerations can help you find a staffing agency in Omaha that best fits your needs.