Make Your Job Posting Stand Out During Times of Low Unemployment

When the economy is booming and unemployment is low, that’s great news for the country, but it does present an extra challenge when the time comes to fill a position at your company. With the pool of potential employees seeking work reduced, and more new jobs available for them to pick out of, you need to go out of your way to make your job listing stand out from the pack. Staffing in Omaha is competitive right now. Just as potential employees should have a list of resume tips they keep in mind, as an employer you need a list of tips for posting your job, as well.

Simplify the Process

When a potential employee has a glut of job openings to apply for, they’re unlikely to want to jump through a bunch of hoops for yours. Reduce the number of steps required to apply, where possible, and make sure that any listings are clear and easy to understand. If an applicant is unsure of how to apply for your job, they may just decide to forego doing so altogether.

Get Mobile

More and more internet traffic is being carried out on phones now, so it’s important that your application process is optimized to be mobile-ready. If your mobile site is difficult to navigate you will miss out on some potential hires.

Highlight Your Benefits

The applicants for your jobs are sure to hand in resumes which go out of their way to punch up and highlight their professional accomplishments, and there’s no reason you should not be doing the same with your job posting. If you offer competitive pay, or have excellent perks of the job, put that information front and center on the posting. Draw in the attention of potential applicants by showing them all the great things working for you entails.

Show Them You Care

Use your company site and social media presence to show the benefits of working for you. Highlight your employees, as well as fun activities or perks of working for you. Not only will this get more eyes on your job postings when they come up, but you can also expect applicants to look for information when they see your listing, and they’ll come across your promotional content.

Hire a Professional Staffing Agency

When things are competitive you need to seize every staffing advantage you can. That means hiring a professional staffing agency like My Staff, Inc. which specializes in connecting recruits with companies. A staffing agency provides the expertise which comes with being a full-time staffing professional and ensures that if there’s a quality candidate out there, they don’t slip through your fingers.

No matter what industry you’re seeking staffing near Omaha in, when the competition is stiff you need to make sure that you’re doing everything you can to catch the eye of the best possible recruits. By working with a staffing agency, creating an enticing online presence and streamlining your application process, you position your company to get the best possible applicants, so you can hire the best possible employee.